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Jacob's Homeschooling Site

February 1, 2009 - April 21, 2009 Quarterly Report

2008-2009 School Year
D.O.B.: 09/XX/97
Age: 11
Grade: 6
Grading Key:             Effort & Skills
4 - Advanced               E - Excellent                  U - Unsatisfactory
3 - Proficient                G - Good                        X - Not Applicable
2 - Approaching          S - Satisfactory
1 - Below                     N - Needs to Improve
Days of Instruction:  56
Math:  Saxon Math, from Lesson 100 (Simplifying Decimals) through Supplemental Practice (Lesson 76)  Grade: 2 (S)  
Reading: Jacob has spent countless hours reading about biology, chemistry, physics, pokemon, biographies and trivial subjects. His comprehension level far exceeds that of his grade level, and at times, his older siblings  Grade: 4 (E)
Spelling & Vocabulary: Hot Words for the SAT 3rd Edition (Linda Carnevale, M.A.), Vocabulary Vine: A Spiral Study of Latin and Greek Roots (Nancy Paula Hasseler)  Grade: 4 (E)
Writing, Grammar & Language Arts: Finished "Writing Winning Reports and Essays", and "Writing Stories: Fantastic Fiction from Start to Finish" by David L. Harrison. Now starting "Adventures for Readers" by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.  Grade: 2 (S)
Health & Safety: How to stay safe while surfing the internet Grade: 4 (E)
History: World History - "Patterns of Interaction" by McDougal & Littell, Chapter 22 (Enlightenment & Revolution) through Chapter 32-5 (The Devastation of Europe & Japan)   Grade: 2 (S)
Science: Biology: Prentice Hall NYS, Chapter 22 (Plant Diversity) through Chapter 31-1 (Reptiles)   Grade: 3 (G)
Art: Jacob continues to struggle with putting effort and interest into anything artistic. Grade: 2 (N)
Music: Jacob practices piano  Grade: 3 (S)
Physical Education: Jacob has been going on the treadmill, recumbent bike and playing tag. Grade: 3 (S)
Typing & Computer: Jacob practices typing daily and types with speed and accuracy, however he still needs to perfect keeping his fingers on "home" to master the proper technique. Grade: 3(S)
Teacher Comments - 3rd Quarter
Jacob is a student who is very focused on science in particular. He takes the initiative in subjects that interest him, however, requires prompting and reminding with subjects he finds less interesting (writing and art mainly). Jacob is doing well and engaging in social activities with his friends.
Submitted 2009 by Daniela