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Jacob's Homeschooling Site

November 17th, 2012 - January 21st, 2013 Quarterly Report

2012 - 2013 School Year
D.O.B.: 09/XX/97
Age: 15
Grade: 10
Grading Key: Effort & Skills
4 - Advanced       E - Excellent        U - Unsatisfactory
3 - Proficient        G - Good              X - Not Applicable
2 - Approaching  S - Satisfactory
1 - Below              N - Needs to Improve
Days of Instruction: 50

Reading:"Artemis Fowl" by Eoin Colfer 280 pgs., "Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code" by Eoin Colfer 309 pgs., "Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident" by Eoin Colfer 277 pgs. 3(G) 60 hrs

English: Nitty-Gritty Grammar: A Not-So-Serious Guide to Clear Communication by Edith H. Fine and Judith P. Josephson, Scholastic Inc. 2004 Topics Covered: Verbs: Infinitives, Verb Tenses, Participles, Subject-Verb Agreement, Active Voice & Passive Voice, Nouns: Collective Nouns, Compound Subjects, Prounouns: Pronouns as Subjects or Objects, as Possessives, in Compound Objects, as Objects of Prepositions, Pronoun-Noun Agreement, Pronounds that End in "Self", Indefinite Pronouns, Who or Whom?, That or Which?, Choosing Pronouns:Subject-Object Hints, Prepositional Phrases, Compound Adjectives, Adverbs: Double Negatives, Comparisons, Double Comparisons, Interjections, Conjunctions.   4(E) 30 hrs

History: Topics Covered:Topics Covered: Government's Financial Condition, Gun Control Laws & Controversy, Problems Facing the Country Today, Racism and Other Forms of Injustice in the American System Website used: http://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/american-civics?k 3(G) 50 hrs including topics covered as well as network news coverage, watching documentaries on Netflix & InDemand, and Inauguration coverage on TV and Internet
Science: Physics - Texts used and referenced throughout this past quarter: Barron's Review Course Series Let's Review: Physics The Physical Setting Third Edition by Miriam A. Lazar, M.S.and Barron's Regents Exams and Answers: Physics The Physical Setting. Also using website http://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics?k. Topics covered: Forces and Newton's Laws of Motion, Normal Force and Contact Force, Balanced and Unbalanced Forces, Tension, Inclined Planes and Friction, episodes of Myth Busters, Work and Energy, Conservation of Energy, Work/Energy Problem with Friction, Springs and Hooke's Law 2(S) 45 hrs

Math: Text used: New York Math A Semesters 1 & 2 by Merv Edwards,Review of Mathematical Foundations. Topics covered: Dividing Signed Numbers, Mixed Practice on Signed Numbers Operations, Evaluation With Signed Numbers, Like Terms with Signed Numbers Coefficients, Removing Parentheses, Subtracting Signed Numbers. Review: Chapters 1-2. 2(S) 35 hrs

Computer Science - Texts used for Introduction to Computer Science: HTML 4 for Dummies 4th Edition by Ed Tittel & Natanya Pitts. Wiley Publishing, Inc.: Starting Out with Java; From Control Structures through Objects, Third Edition by Tony Gaddis, Pearson Addison Wesley Publishing. Also using the following websites: http://www.khanacademy.org/science/computer-science?k , http://www.khanacademy.org/cs/tutorials/user-interaction, and http://www.dummies.com/how-to/computers-software/programming/HTML.html Topics Covered: Java Fundamentals: The Parts of a Java Program, The print and printIn Methods, and the Java API, Variables and Literals, Primitive Data Types, Arithmetic Operators, Combined Assigments Operators, Conversion Between Primitive Data Types 2(N) 40 Hours
Phys Ed: Elliptical, resistance training 4(E) approximately 20 hrs

COMMENTS: Jacob is doing his best though the computer science has been especially tough, but I think exposing all the kids to this material is to their benefit even if the concepts are not necessarily mastered. Jacob just began his online English Comp 1 course at HVCC on January 22nd.

Submitted 2013 by Daniela