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Jacob's Homeschooling Site

August 26, 2013 - November 15, 2013 Quarterly Report

2013 - 2014 School Year
D.O.B.: 09/XX/97
Age: 16
Grade: 11
Grading Key: Effort & Skills
4 - Advanced       E - Excellent        U - Unsatisfactory
3 - Proficient       G - Good              X - Not Applicable
2 - Approaching   S - Satisfactory
1 - Below            N - Needs to Improve

Days of Instruction: 58 for the 1st quarter

Math - continuation of New York Math A Semesters 1 & 2 (by Merv Edwards). Topics Covered: Angle Measurement and Classification, Manipulative Discovery for Lesson 7.2, Adjacent Angles, Applying Central Angels to Circle Graphs, Complementary Angles, Manipulative Discovery for Lesson 7.5, Supplementary Angles, Vertical Angles, Review Chapters 1-7, Parallel and Skew Lines, Transversals and Special Angle Relationships, Manipulative Discovery for Lesson 8.3, Determining Whether Lines are Parallel, Converses of Parallel Lines Theorems, Logic: Inverse and Contrapositive, Manipulative Discovery for Lesson 8.6, Sum of Angle Measures of a Triangle, Exterior and Remote Interior Angles of a Triangle, Review: Chapters 1-8. 2(S) 56 hrs
English - English Composition 2 at HVCC via Online Blackboard; Texts used: Patterns for College Writing; A Rhetorical Reader and Guide. Twelfth Edition, Hudson Valley Community College Edition, by Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell; The Bedford Handbook Eighth Edition, Hudson Valley Community College Edition, by Diana Hacker and Nancy Sommers. Topics Covered: Orientation, Narration Part 1, Narration Part 2, Writing About Literature Part 1, Writing About Literature Part 2, Business Writing/Argumentation Part 1, Argumentation Part 2, Argumentation Continued and Research Project Part 1 (Midterm Grade was a C) 50 hrs
American History - HVCC Online Blackboard; Text Used: "Give Me Liberty!" and American History, Volume One by Eric Foner. Seagull Third Edition. Copyright 2012. Topics Covered: A New World, Beginnings of English America, 1607-1660, Creating Anglo-America, 1660-1750, Slavery, Freedom and the Struggle for Empire, to 1763, The American Revolution, 1763-1783, The Revolution Within, Founding a Nation, 1783-1789, Securing the Republic, 1790-1815, The Market Revolution, 1800-1840, Democracy in America, 1815-1840, The Peculiar Institution, An Age of Reform, 1820-1840, 
(Midterm Grade was a C) 60 hrs
American Literature - Norton Anthology American Literature, Authors: Nina Baym, Robert S. Levine , Wayne Franklin, Philip F. Gura, Jerome Klinkowitz, Arnold Krupat, Mary Loeffelholz, Jeanne Campbell Reesman, Patricia B. Wallace; W. W. Norton & Company; Eighth Edition edition (November 23, 2011)
A study of American writers from Walt Whitman to Edgar Allen Poe, authors ranging from the beginning of American history, such as Columbus, to contemporary writers such as Pinsky, writers of different genres, styles, genders, and backgrounds that define America. The literature of these writers have poignant biographical information to enhance Jacob's Interpretation of American History class at HVCC. 3(S) 40hrs
Physical Education: Recumbent Bike,  Resistance Training 3 (G) 30 hrs
Teacher Comments:  Jacob has been making strides in improving his grades for English and History to bring his grades up from a C since his Midterm grades were released. Jacob has had some issues with his vision over the past couple months that *may* hinder his ability to do classes online next semester. He is scheduled to see a neuro-opthalmologist on December 5th and then scheduled for an MRI on December 9th. He *may* have an issue with retina detachment. I will keep the school district posted as to what is going on with him if his IHIP should need adjustment with regard to that.

Submitted 2013 by Daniela