Grading Key: Effort
& Skills
4 - Advanced E
- Excellent U - Unsatisfactory
3 - Proficient
G - Good
X - Not Applicable
2 - Approaching S
- Satisfactory
1 - Below N
- Needs to Improve
Days of Instruction: 54 (4.1 hrs/day
Arithmetic: The areas of math Jacob
continues to study/practice are :
word problems factors
decimals prime factorization
percents prime numbers
money math
number lines geometry
fact families times tables
real-life math experiences
Jacob reviewed all key math concepts expected of children in 3rd grade in
anticipation of standardized testing. He scored high in the level in which he was tested for the math portion of the PASS
test. He will continue to build on his math skills throughout the summer.
Grade: 3 (G)
Reading: Jacob continues to read The Little House
on the Prairie Series, which is expected to be finished by the end of the summer. The whole family has enjoyed very much reading
this historical biographical account of Laura Ingalls’ life on the frontier. Jacob scored average to high in the
reading portion of the PASS test.
Grade: 3 (G)
Spelling: Jacob has completed and nearly mastered
nine spelling & vocabulary lists. Jacob corrects misspelled words and rewrites assignments so that spelling is correct
throughout his work. His memorization skills have continued to help him do well in this area.
Grade: 3 (G)
Writing, Grammar & Language Arts: The
homeschool curriculum has been integrating the Vocabulary Vine Latin & Greek Roots program, which is challenging and fun.
He has completed writing assignments from Simply Grammar and her
homeschool journal. The Prairie Primer also helped to incorporate writing assignments pertinent to the Little House series
as well. Jacob scored high in the language portion of the PASS test for the level in which he was tested.
2 (S)
Health & Safety: The focus
this past quarter has been dental health, nutrition, exercise, UVA protection, cooking safety and the dangers of listening
to music too loud.
Grade: 4(E)
History: This past quarter Jacob worked on
a biography of Sitting Bull of the late 1800’s. He has read/watched documentaries about individuals who had a significant
impact on history such as Annie Oakley and Buffalo Bill, and events such as the Massacre at Wounded Knee. Jacob has
been reading the historical fiction of Laura Ingalls Wilder through her Little House on the Prairie series
of books.
Science: Life cycles of ladybugs, caterpillars/butterflies
and gardening were the highlights of science this past quarter. Also covered were properties of matter, chemical reactions,
habitat preference of living things, physics of a rollercoaster, the effect of global warming.
Grade: 3 (G)
Art: Jacob worked on macrame hemp jewelry - is still
trying to master the art of making the knots. He made line drawings and pictures of crayon and pastels.
Music: Jacob continues to practice guitar,
piano and fiddle regularly.
Grade: 3 (G)
Physical Education: Jacob has participated in many
physical activities including swimming at the XXXX, scootering and is trying to learn how to use his HEELYS.
Grade: 3(G)
Typing & Computer: Jacob is progressing slowly
but surely at typing with proper hand positioning and appropriate speed and accuracy. His computer literacy skills are improving
and he continues to demonstrate fluency in several programs and internet research to aid in completion of schoolwork, as well
for the purpose of finding information for personal interests. He continues to improve his punctuation skills with the use
of various typing programs. Again, Jacob’s abilities really shine in this area (computers and technology in general).
He continues to love learning about technology and displays constant interest in seeking knowledge via [supervised]
Grade: 3 (G)
Teacher Comments - 4th Quarter
Jacob is progressing at a satisfactory level or above in all subject matter.
He has completed the required 225 hours of instruction. He really enjoys computers, technology, science and playing
This summer he will continue to work on math, selected science projects
and finishing reading the Little House book series.
Our homeschool curriculum for the upcoming past quarter included the use
and guidance of the Prairie Primer. Jacob scored particularly well on his PASS test, with average to high scores in
all areas.
Submitted July 6, 2006 by Daniela