Grading Key: Effort
& Skills
4 - Advanced E
- Excellent U - Unsatisfactory
3 - Proficient
G - Good
X - Not Applicable
2 - Approaching S
- Satisfactory
1 - Below N
- Needs to Improve
Days of Instruction: 48
Arithmetic: The areas of math Jacob
continues to study/practice are :
word problems factors
decimals prime factorization
percents prime numbers
money math
number lines geometry
fact families times tables
real-life math experiences
Jacob uses the Saxon Math program, math CD roms, and the Pokemon Learning
League to do his math. He also used The State Standards Test Preparation Software Grade 4 and Brain Play CD rom for
4th-6th grade Brain-Building Activities. Grade: 3 (G)
Reading: Jacob has been reading the unabridged version
of Huckleberry Finn, National Geographic, Encyclopedia articles related to Mark Twain, the historical significance of the
Mississippi River & merchant & slave trading, Lewis & Clark, and “free reading” for pleasure. Grade:
4 (E)
Spelling: Jacob corrects misspelled words and rewrites
assignments so that spelling is correct throughout his work. His memorization skills have helped him do well in this area.
Grade: 3(G)
Writing, Grammar & Language Arts: The homeschool curriculum
has been integrating the Vocabulary Vine Latin & Greek Roots program, which is challenging and fun. Jacob prints and writes
in cursive daily, however he requires constant reminders in order to stay neat. Jacob continues to develop skills such as
note-taking, brainstorming, and organizing ideas. He has typed emails, improved his writing abilities by continuing
study of proper grammar; parts of speech, sentence structure, and phrases. Jacob continues to respond to literature
through writing and narration. This quarter he has utilized The Ultimate Grammar Reference Easy to Use Guide. Grade:
2 (S)
Health & Safety: With all the coverage in the news
about the boys from Missouri who had been abducted, we reviewed a pamphlet from the local police department, “Step Away
for Safety!” and completed a Fingerprint Kit for Kids. Also, the negative and potentially catastrophic effects
of global warming as it pertains to climate changes that allow for certain pests to breed in new areas were studied. Stretching,
resistance training & the importance of bone health through use of the Total Gym. Grade: 4 (E)
History: Important topics in history covered this
quarter were Lewis & Clark, slavery, the Civil War, the Revolutionary War, George Washington, Mark Twain, the Mississippi
River, the role of American Indians in the history of the Revolutionary War, the Ohio River, Abraham Lincoln, the role of
women during these periods of history. Grade: 3 (G)
Science: This quarter the focus was on Global Warming,
the effects of greenhouse gases on the atmosphere, the significance of Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere as it has increased
over the last 30 yrs., the importance of the existence of the polar ice caps & glaciers, why humankind needs to be concerned
over the fact they are melting, what will happen when they do completely melt, and what each individual can do to possibly
prevent a global catastrophy by working together. Grade: 3 (G)
Art: Jacob has really tried his best this quarter in art.
He continues his fascination with Pokemon characters and digital art programs. Grade: 2 (S)
Music: Jacob practiced guitar and piano. Grade:
3 (G)
Physical Education: Jacob has been using the fitness ball
and the Total Gym. Grade: 3 (G)
Typing & Computer: Jacob is progressing slowly but
surely at typing with proper hand positioning and appropriate speed and accuracy. His computer literacy skills are improving
and he continues to demonstrate fluency in several programs and internet research to aid in completion of schoolwork, as well
for thepurpose of finding information for personal interests. He continues to improve his punctuation skills with the use
of various typing programs. Again, Jacob’s abilities really shine in this area (computers and technology in general).
He continues to love learning about technology and displays constant interest in seeking knowledge via [supervised]
internet. Grade: 3 (G)
Teacher Comments - 2nd Quarter
Jacob is progressing at a satisfactory level or above in all subject matter.
He has completed the required 225 hours of instruction. He really enjoys computers, technology, science and playing
piano. He continues to receive speech therapy twice weekly.
Submitted January 31, 2007 by Daniela