School Year
D.O.B.: 09/XX/97
Age: 11
Grade: 6
Grading Key: Effort
& Skills
4 - Advanced E
- Excellent U - Unsatisfactory
3 - Proficient
G - Good
X - Not Applicable
2 - Approaching S
- Satisfactory
1 - Below N
- Needs to Improve
Days of Instruction: 50
Math: Jacob has been using Saxon 5/6 Math this past quarter and has completed
Lessons 1-49 Grade: 2 (S)
Reading: Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. Jacob read about
leeches, Japanese mountains, American and Japanese history, arachnids, diseases Grade: 4 (E)
Spelling: Hot Words for the SAT 3rd Edition (Linda
Carnevale, M.A.), Vocabulary Vine: A Spiral Study of Latin and Greek Roots (Nancy Paula Hasseler) Grade: 4 (E)
Writing, Grammar & Language Arts: Writing Winning
Reports and Essays (Paul B. Janeczko), Writing Stories: Fantastic Fiction from Start to Finish (David L. Harrison), Putting
it in Writing: Reports, Letters, Essays and More (Steve Otfinoski) Jacob has tactile-defensiveness issues when it comes to touching paper, so the act of writing presents a challenge.
Via dictation he continues to expound very intelligently on any topic he is assigned. He is very eloquent, articulate and
his grammar skills are beyond grade level. Grade: 4 (E)
Health & Safety: Emergency Preparedness: what to
do during power outages, storms, household emergencies. Grade: 4
History: World History: Patterns of Interaction
(McDougal Littel)...The Peopling of the World, Early River Valley Civilizations, People and Ideas on the Move,
First Age of Empires, Classical Greece, Ancient Rome and Early Christianity, India and China Establish Empires, African Civilizations,
The Americas: A Separate World Grade: 2 (S)
Science: Biology: New York State (Prentice Hall:Miller
Levine) ..The Science of Biology, The Chemistry of Life, The Biosphere, Ecosystems and Communities, Populations, Humans in
the Biosphere, Cell Structure and Function, Photosynthesis, Cellular Respiration, Cell Growth and Division Grade: 3
Art: Jacob detests drawing. I have continued relying
upon online games featuring things of an artistic nature to engage his interest and, again, it only does so on a
minimal basis. This is an area where his lack of interest seems to have a direct correlation to his ability. His fine motor
skills (as well as in the physical act of writing too) and his tactile defensiveness to paper makes this process of improving
his artistic ability very difficult. Grade: N (1)
Music: Jacob continues to practice piano, but has
expressed an interest in learning the drums. Grade: 2 (S)
Physical Education: Jacob is getting more active with
the help of some video games that feature physical activity. He has been exercising on the Total Gym, using the recumbent
bike and going for walks with his family. Grade: 2 (S)
Typing & Computer: Jacob's typing is accurate
and fast for his grade level. Grade: 3 (S)
Teacher Comments - 1st Quarter
Jacob is doing very well and a very intelligent and articulate child.
Submitted 2008 by Daniela