Reading: Ideas in Literature (Heroes & Heroines/Heroes
of Tradition), Bible reading assignments Grade: 4 (E)
Spelling & Vocabulary: Hot Words for the SAT 3rd
Edition (Linda Carnevale, M.A.), Vocabulary Vine: A Spiral Study of Latin and Greek Roots (Nancy Paula Hasseler)
Grade: 3 (G)
Writing, Grammar & Language Arts: (Writing Stories)
"Becoming a Writer" Grade: 2 (S)
Health & Safety: Guarding emotional and mental
health. Grade: 4 (E)
History: World History - "Patterns of Interaction"
by McDougal & Littell, Chapter 33 (1945 Restructuring the Post War World) through Chapter 36-4 (Cultures Blend
in a Global Age) Grade: 2 (S)
Science: Biology: Prentice Hall NYS, Chapter 31-2
(Birds) through Chapter 40-4 (Cancer) Grade: 2 (S)
Art: Jacob absolutely hates manipulating art materials
for the sake of making crafts. He is still very tactile defensive. He stuck with computer generated art via various
websites on the internet. Grade: 3 (G)
Music: Jacob practices piano, simple songs from Lesson
1 book. Grade: 3 (G)
Physical Education: Jacob has been riding his
new bike (for special needs children). Grade: 4 (E)
Typing & Computer: Jacob is still working on getting
typing techniques mastered. Grade: 2 (S)
Teacher Comments - 4th Quarter
Jacob had a great year and is looking forward to being a 7th grader next year.
Submitted 2009 by Daniela