Reading: "Readings for Writers" ninth edition, Jo Ray McCuen & Anthony
C. Winkler. Chapter One: Defining Rhetoric, Chapter Two: The Writer's Voice, Chapter Three: Purpose and Thesis 2(S)
A comprehensive study of Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Tanglewood Tales" 2(S)
History: Let's Review: U.S. History and Government.
Fourth Edition Barron's Review Course Series (we had started going through this book before but the kids are rusty and needed
to re-visit the subject matter, especially in light of upcoming political events in our country) 2(S)
Science: Let's Review: Chemistry
The Physical Setting. Fourth Edition Barron's Review Course Series 3(G)
Math: Let's Review: Math A. Second Edition Barron's
Review Course Series 3(G)
Music: digital keyboard 2(S)
Art: computer digital art 2(S)
Phys Ed: elliptical, resistance training