QUARTERLY REPORT 2012 - 2013 School Year Jacob XXXXX D.O.B.: 09/XX/97 Age: 15 Grade: 10 Grading Key: Effort
& Skills 4 - Advanced
E - Excellent U - Unsatisfactory 3 - Proficient G - Good
X - Not Applicable 2 - Approaching S - Satisfactory 1 - Below
N - Needs to Improve
Days of Instruction: 69
Math: Text used: New York Math A Semesters 1 & 2 by Merv Edwards,Review of Mathematical Foundations. Topics covered: Products of Powers, Powers of Powers and of Products,
Quotients of Powers, Zero and Negative Exponents, Scientific Notation, Simplifying Polynomials, Multiplying a Polynomial by
a Monomial, Recognizing Solutions of Open Sentences, Solving Equations x + b = c, Solving Equations: ax = c; x/a = c, Language
of Algebra, Word Problems, Variables on Each Side, Solving Equations: Parentheses, Solving Equations: Decimals and Fractions.
Review: Chapters 3-4. 2(S) 50 hrs
English: English Composition
1 at HVCC (doing well in the class, but has not yet received a final grade) Text used:Text
used: The Norton Sampler Seventh Edition; Short Essays for Composition by Thomas Cooley. 40 hrs of English class
time & approximately 30 hrs of spent on homework & reading assignments - semester ends May 10th. 3(G)
70 hrs
Physics - Texts used and referenced throughout this past quarter:
Barron's Review Course Series Let's Review: Physics The Physical Setting Third Edition by Miriam A. Lazar, M.S.and Barron's
Regents Exams and Answers: Physics The Physical Setting. Waves & Sound: Definition of Wave Motion, Types of Waves, Characteristics
of Periodic Waves, Speed of a Wave, Reflection, Refraction, Interference, Standing Waves, Resonance, Beats, Diffraction, Doppler
Effect. Light & Geometric Shapes:Polarization
of Light, Speed of Light, Visible Light, Reflection, Refraction, Diffraction and Interference of Light. 2(S) 50 hrs
Global History
& Geography: Text Used: Barron's Review Course Series Let's Review: Global History
and Georgraphy Fourth Edition by Mark Willner, M.S., Mary Martin, B. Ed., Jerry Weiner, Ph. D., David Moore, M. Ed., and George
Hero, M.A. Topics Covered: Global Connections and Interactions in the 21st Century: World Issues, Population Issues and Their
Impact, Population Growth in Developed and Developing Nations, World Hunger, Education - A Growing Gap, Economic Development
and World Trade, Global Power-The Gap Between Rich and Poor, Resource and Energy Management, Globalization, Tradition and
Modernization- Finding a Balance, Changing Political Power Structures, The Superpowers, The Developing World, Arms Control,
Terrorism as a Political Weapon, Environmental Issues, Human Rights, Technology, Transportation and Communication, Space Exploration,
Mutual Impact and Influence: Euro-America and Africa-Asia. Time includes topics
covered as well as network news coverage, watching documentaries on Netflix & InDemand and other internet sources. 2(S) 60 hrs
Music: Keyboard 4(E) 20 hrs
Physical Education: Elliptical, Resistance Training, Daily exercise 4(E) 30
Teacher Comments: Computer
Science was not continued this semester. Jacob is registered for three courses for the fall semester at HVCC: English Composition
2, Western Civilization and the World 1, and Basic Math with Study Skills. He would like to complete the 24-Hour Credit Program
at some point within the next year or so. He also would like to pursue the Web
Design and WWW Programming at HVCC. Submitted
2013 by Daniela